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Dr. Dt. Merve Meşe

Dr. Dt. Merve Meşe
Dr. Dt. Merve Meşe


Pediatric Dentist (Pedodontics)

Professional Interest

- General anesthesia and sedation applications in pediatrics

- Milk and permanent tooth traumas

- Current restorative and endodontic treatments in children



Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry


Izmir Katip Celebi University- Ege University Joint Doctorate

Duties Performed in Projects:

Comparative evaluation of microtension bond strength of new generation self-etch adhesive systems with different functional monomer structures to acid and laser-treated enamel surfaces BAP, Researcher, 2012 (ULUSAL)

In vivo evaluation of ozone application in the two-stage indirect pulp treatment of deeply carious primary and permanent teeth, TÜBİTAK PROJECT, Bursary, 2014-2016 (ULUSAL)


A. Articles published in international peer-reviewed journals:

ARSLAN HAKAN,AKÇAY MERVE,ERTAŞ HÜSEYİN,SAYGILI GÖKHAN,MEŞE MERVE (2016). Effect of PIPS technique at different power settings on irrigating solution extrusion. lasers in medical science, 19(5), 1055-1061., Doi: 10.1007/s00784-014-1332-0 (Publication No: 1897752)
AKÇAY MERVE, ARSLAN HAKAN, DURMUS NAZLI, MEŞE MERVE, ÇAPAR İSMAİL DAVUT (2016). Dentinal tubule penetration of AH Plus, iRoot SP, MTA fillapex, and guttaflow bioseal root canal sealers after different final irrigation procedures: A confocal microscopic study.. Lasers in surgery and medicine (Publication Number: 2566064)
AKÇAY MERVE, ARSLAN HAKAN, MEŞE MERVE, ŞAHİN NACİYE NUR (2015). The effect of photon- initiated photoacoustic streaming, ultrasonically and sonically irrigation techniques on the push- out bond strength of a resin sealer to the root dentin. Clinical Oral Investigations (Publication No: 1897695)
OAK MERVE, TOK YEŞİM TUYJİ, KAYA SELÇUK, AKÇAY MERVE (2020). Influence of ozone application in the stepwise excavation of primary molars: a randomized clinical trial. Clinical Oral Investigations
AKCAY H, ARSLAN H, AKCAY M, MESE MERVE, SAHIN NN. (2016) Evaluation of the bond strength of root-end placed mineral trioxide aggregate and Biodentine in the absence/presence of blood contamination. Eur J Dent.
AKCAY M, ARSLAN H, MESE MERVE, DURMUS N, CAPAR ID. (2017). Effect of photon-initiated photoacoustic streaming, passive ultrasonic, and sonic irrigation techniques on dentinal tubule penetration of irrigation solution: a confocal microscopic study. Clin Oral Investig.

B. Papers presented at international scientific meetings and published in proceedings books:

ARSLAN HAKAN,AKÇAY MERVE,MEŞE MERVE,ÇAPAR İSMAİL DAVUT,karadede Süeda (2014). effect of various-irrigation protocols on debridement and apical-extrusion in revascularization procedures. international association of dental traumatology congress (Oral Paper)(Publication No: 1853189)
OAK MERVE, AKÇAY MERVE, YAŞA BİLAL, AKÇAY HÜSEYİN (2014). Multidisciplinary management of fracture complication of an anterior-tooth undergoing apexification. international association of dental traumatology congress (Poster)(Publication No:1853033)

C. Articles published in national peer-reviewed journals:

OAK MERVE,AKÇAY MERVE,KÜÇÜKYILMAZ EBRU (2015). Revascularization of Necrotic Young Permanent Teeth with Incomplete Root Development. turiye clinics j pediatric dent-special topics (Control No: 1897900)
KAVRIK FEVZİ, MEŞE MERVE, ÇOĞULU DİLŞAH (2015). THE EFFECT OF GREEN TEA ON ORAL AND DENTAL HEALTH. Ataturk University Faculty of Dentistry Journal (Control Number: 1898122)

D. Papers presented at national scientific meetings and published in proceedings books:

MERVE OAK, MERVE AKÇAY, BİLAL YAŞA (2013). Treatment of lesions due to advanced pulp obliteration in a patient with dentinogenesis imperfecta: a case report. Turkish Pedodontics Association Congress, (Publication No:778206)
MERVE OAK, MERVE AKCAY, EBRU KÜÇÜKYILMAZ (2013). Hypodontia in permanent teeth in identical twins: a case report. Turkish Pedodontics Association Congress, (Publication No: 778183)
E. Technical Note, Case Report, Study Report etc.

Case Presentation, OAK MERVE, AKÇAY MERVE, YAŞA BİLAL, AKÇAY HÜSEYİN (2015). Multidisciplinary Management of Complicated Crown-Root Fracture of an Anterior Tooth Undergoing Apexification. Case Reports in Dentistry, 2015, 1-5., Doi: 10.1155/2015/521013 (Publication No: 1897838)

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