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What is orthodontic treatment?

Orthodontic treatment is the treatment that corrects incompatibilities between the teeth and/or lower and upper jaws.

Who can apply orthodontic treatment?

The dentists who have completed their doctorate/specialization education in the orthodontic department of universities after completing the faculty of dentistry can apply orthodontic treatment.

What are the aims of orthodontic treatment?

Orthodontic treatment primarily corrects the chewing and speaking function, which are impaired. The patient, who cannot fully provide oral hygiene due to the crowding, can perform oral care more comfortably and effectively as the teeth are properly aligned after the treatment. Thus, the health of the teeth and gums is protected. In addition, one of the greatest benefits of orthodontic treatment for the patients is to provide psychological support by improving the self-confidence in the society by providing the patient to be able to comfortably smile by correcting the impaired dental aesthetics.

Why does the crowding occur in the teeth?

One of the most important reasons for the crowding that occurred in the teeth is the closure of the place of deciduous teeth extracted prematurely and the permanent teeth that will come from the bottom cannot find room and cannot erupt from the places where they should be. Besides, crowding or gaps may occur in the teeth due to a tooth-to-jaw size disharmony (for instance genetically, as a result of taking a large tooth from the father, a small jaw from the mother or the presence of a small tooth and a large jaw).

Besides, orthodontic disorders, especially jaw disorders, may occur in cases such as long-term use of pacifiers and feeding bottles, finger sucking and nail eating habits, constant pen biting, and mouth breathing.

Crowding may also occur as a result of shifting occurred in neighboring teeth when the places of the teeth extracted due to caries and gum diseases remain empty for a long time in advancing age. Besides, when wisdom teeth are trying to have erupted, there may be crowding in the teeth again.
What can be corrected with orthodontic treatment?

Orthodontic treatment not only corrects tooth crowding, but also disharmony between the upper and lower jaw, and aesthetic problems. While early treatment of these disharmonies is quite simple, surgical treatment support may be required in addition to braces treatment in older ages.
Is age important in orthodontic treatment?

Orthodontic treatment has no age restrictions and can be applied at any age. The important thing is to determine the need of the patient correctly and to apply the right treatment option.
What are the treatment alternatives?

Crowding, early diagnosed when deciduous teeth are in the mouth at pre-adolescent ages, can be solved with removable appliances that the patient can install and remove. Also, the disharmonies in the jaws are treated by using suitable appliances at pre-adolescent ages.

After the permanent teeth erupted, the crowding in the teeth; can be corrected with braces treatment made by bonding on the surface of teeth that we call fixed orthodontic treatment. Nowadays, this treatment is widely applied with porcelain-ceramic materials in tooth color with increasing aesthetic demand as well as metal ones. Also, these treatments can be made more aesthetic by placing them on the inner surface of the teeth with the methods we call lingual treatment.

Aligner treatments, which are widely used nowadays, have become a good treatment alternative for patients who do not want fixed braces treatment.

Am I eligible for without braces orthodontic treatment- aligner treatment?

With the developing technology, aligner treatments can now be successfully applied to correct most disorders. However, in aligner treatments, the patient's cooperation is also very important apart from what the doctor will do. Regular use of aligners as prescribed by the dentist affects the progress of treatment.

At what age do we need to start checks?

Regular orthodontic examinations should be started at an average of 6 years old when deciduous teeth begin to change and permanent teeth begin to erupt. However, in the presence of problems such as long-term use of pacifiers and feeding bottles, finger sucking habits or mouth breathing during infancy requires an orthodontic examination at an earlier age.

Is there pain during the orthodontic treatment?

Depending on the patient's pain threshold, a sense of pain may occur in the first days of treatment, especially during chewing. However, this pain will go away in a few days. In necessary cases, it is appropriate to use pain medication under dentist control.

What should be considered in orthodontic treatment?

In cases where fixed braces treatment is applied, it is very important to pay attention to the matters that the dentist will specify. Throughout the braces treatment that especially hard and shelled foods should not be eaten; acidic beverages should not be consumed; should be avoided from sticky foods such as gum and marshmallows. During aligner treatment, nothing should be eaten or smoked while the aligners are in the mouth. Besides, extra attention should be given to oral hygiene throughout the treatment period.

How can I provide my oral hygiene?

During the treatment, extra attention should be paid to oral hygiene in order to protect the health of the teeth, oral health care should be done as shown by the dentist and without interruption. These include correct brushing of teeth, use of interdental-interface brush, and use of mouthwash. If these issues are not considered, discoloration and caries in the teeth, swelling, redness, bleeding and inflammation in the gums may occur.

Will my teeth be reverted after orthodontic treatment?

Orthodontic treatment is not finished when the teeth are straightened and the braces are removed. In order to ensure that the teeth, which are brought to the new position with braces treatment, remain fixed in that position, the treatment phase, which we call retention treatment, is started. For this purpose, for a certain period of time, thin wires bonded to the inner part of the teeth or thin removable aligners surrounding the teeth are used.

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