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Toothache During Pregnancy and Its Treatment

Toothache During Pregnancy and Its Treatment

Toothache during pregnancy is an important issue for the health of both the expectant mother and the baby. During pregnancy, hormonal changes can affect tooth and gum health.

Causes of Toothache During Pregnancy

Hormonal Changes

Increased progesterone and estrogen hormones during pregnancy can increase blood flow to the gums, leading to swelling and tenderness. This can cause dental problems and inflammation of the gums..

Gum Diseases

Gum diseases may develop or existing diseases may get worse during pregnancy. Periodontitis is a serious gum disease that can cause tooth loss and may increase the risk of premature birth.

Calcium Deficiency

The body's need for calcium increases during pregnancy. When calcium isn't taken enough, the body withdraws the calcium it needs from bones and teeth, which can cause teeth to weaken and cause pain. Therefore, pregnant women should pay attention to their oral and dental health and be more scheduled in their dental appointments against the risk of tooth decay.

Nutritional Habits: Increased carbohydrate consumption during pregnancy can accelerate the formation of tooth decay. Foods and drinks with acidic affect stomach acid and can also damage tooth enamel.

Effects of Toothache on Pregnancy

Toothache can make pregnancy difficult. Constant pain can disrupt sleep patterns, cause morning sickness, increase stress levels, and reduce overall quality of life. Additionally, poor oral health can negatively affect the baby's development. It has also been shown that there is a relationship between gum disease and premature birth and low birth weight.

Ways to Cope with Toothache During Pregnancy

Regular Dentist Check-ups

Visiting your dentist regularly during pregnancy helps you detect possible problems in advance. Teeth cleaning and control is one of the most effective ways to prevent gum diseases. When we perform dental procedures regularly, we can prevent gum bleeding, bacterial infections and increased bacterial tooth plaque.

Pay Attention to Dental Care

Brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day and use dental floss. Mouthwashes can be effective in maintaining gum health.

Healthy Nutrition

Consuming foods rich in calcium is important for the health of both you and your baby. It also helps you maintain hormonal balance and hormone levels. It is very important to include calcium sources such as milk, cheese and yoghurt in your diet.


If toothache bothers you so much, you can use a safe painkiller as recommended by your doctor. Some medications, such as aspirin, should be avoided during pregnancy, so you should not use medication without consulting your doctor.

Natural Methods

Washing with warm salt water can relieve inflammation in the gums. Natural painkillers such as clove oil can also be used, but these must also have a doctor's approval.

Toothache Treatment Methods During Pregnancy

Treating toothache during pregnancy requires special sensitivity to protect the health of both mother and baby. When planning treatment, the potential risks of drug use and medical procedures during pregnancy should be taken into consideration and should never be overlooked.

1. Dentist Checkup

Expectant mothers who experience toothache during pregnancy should first consult a dentist. The dentist determines the cause of toothache and determines the appropriate treatment method. It provides information about safe treatment options during pregnancy and build up the necessary treatment plan

2. Safe Dental Treatment Methods

Tooth Extraction

It is recommended to avoid tooth extraction during the first and second trimesters of pregnancy (first 6 months). However, in emergency cases, the dentist can extract by taking the necessary precautions.

Filling and Root Canal Treatment

The second trimester (between 4-6 months) is generally the most suitable period for procedures such as filling and root canal treatment. Treatment procedures are considered safer Since the baby's organ development is completed in this period.


X-rays are generally not recommended during pregnancy. However, x-rays can be taken using a lead vest in cases of necessity. Low doses should be preferred in order for x-rays to be taken safely.

3. Use of Painkillers

While some painkillers are considered safe to use during pregnancy, others may be risky. The safest painkillers most commonly used to relieve toothache include:

These drugs are not recommended as they may negatively affect the development of the baby especially in the last three months of pregnancy. It should never be used without a doctor's recommendation.

4. Natural and Home Methods

Rinsing the mouth with salt water: This method can help reduce gingivitis and pain in a short time.

Clove Oil: Clove oil is known as a natural pain reliever. It can be applied to the painful tooth with the help of a cotton ball. However, excessive use should be avoided

Ice: Applying ice to the painful area can reduce swelling and pain. However, it is important that the ice does not contact directly with the skin; It is recommended to apply by wrapping it with a thin cloth.

5. Precautions

The following precautions can be taken to prevent toothache during pregnancy:

  • Regular Dentist Checks: Regular dentist checks during pregnancy ensure early detection of potential problems. Also, early diagnosis is important for pregnancy gingivitis.
  • Good Oral Hygiene: It is very important that we get into the habit of brushing and flossing at least twice a day because it helps prevent tooth decay and gum disease.
  • Healthy Nutrition: Consuming foods rich in calcium helps protect the health of teeth. Additionally, limiting the consumption of foods with sugary and acidic foods help prevent tooth decay.This kind of limitation helps reduce bacterial plaque and bacterial infections.

Reliable Treatment with Expert Staff

Dentaliva aims to provide the highest level of care to expectant mothers who experience toothache during pregnancy. Our clinic has a team of experts who are experienced in treating dental problems encountered during pregnancy.

Our dentists apply the safest and most effective treatment methods, prioritizing the health of expectant mothers and the safety of their babies.

Special Approach to Individual Needs

Each individual has different needs during pregnancy. Dentaliva creates a personalized treatment plan for each patient. Regardless of the stage of pregnancy, it offers appropriate treatment options to expectant mothers by accurately diagnosing the source of toothache.

Procedures such as tooth extraction, filling, and root canal treatment are performed in the safest period and under the most suitable conditions during pregnancy.

Safe and Comfortable Treatment

Dentaliva offers safety and comfort together in dental treatment during pregnancy. The most up-to-date technologies and highest quality materials are used in all treatment procedures during pregnancy. Additionally, precautions are taken for procedures such as x-rays and the comfort of pregnancy is prioritized.

Dentaliva offers alternative solutions to cope with pain for expectant mothers who prefer natural treatment methods during pregnancy.Consultancy services are provided on natural painkillers, herbal mouthwashes and methods that can be applied at home. Additionally, support is provided with nutritional recommendations to protect oral health throughout pregnancy.

In our clinic, we offer solutions for oral and dental health problems that may come up during pregnancy, as well as toothache. We help expectant mothers to have a healthy pregnancy by offering an effective and comfortable treatment process.

Dentaliva is intent on providing the best care for you and your baby's health. You can trust our expert team in treating toothache during pregnancy and spend this special period more comfortably and healthily.

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