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What is Amalgam Filling?

What is Amalgam Filling?

Amalgam is a special mixture formed by mixing metal powders such as silver (Ag), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), tin (Sn) with mercury (Hg). The reaction that occurs when amalgam powder is wetted with mercury is called amalgamation. Dental amalgam fillings are restorative materials applied using amalgam. This special alloy, obtained by mixing metal powders together, has an indispensable function as a filling material used in oral and dental treatment. Any substance except iron can be used to fill cavities as a dental filling when combined with mercury. As with all other restorative materials, amalgam fillings are in constant interaction with the surrounding tissues. This interaction is exposed to a number of mechanical, biological, chemical, thermal and electrical factors. As a result of this situation, some changes occur after the restoration and the surrounding tissues begin to be affected by these events.

Advantages of Dental Amalgam Fillings

As with many treatment methods, amalgam dental filling treatment has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of dental amalgam fillings are as follows:

  • Amalgam filling does not require a lot of time, especially to fill small cavities. It is not an application that requires a lot of time for both the patient and the dentist.
  • Moisture check is not important in the area with amalgam tooth filling.
  • Amalgam dental filling is a very durable composite. Additionally, a small amount of amalgam is sufficient to close the decayed cavity in the tooth.

Disadvantages of Dental Amalgam Fillings

  • One of the biggest disadvantages of amalgam filling is its color. Because this filling material is not a tooth-colored material. The color of amalgam is the same color as mercury or silver. That's why it looks like a silver stain on your teeth. This is not preferred aesthetically.
  • Amalgam dental fillings may be biologically incompatible with the teeth. In other words, a tooth is bone but amalgam is a metal composite. Biological incompatibility may cause some adverse conditions, especially allergies, in some people.
  • Mercury vapor is released during application. This is harmful to health.
  • Amalgam removal is a procedure that requires care and precautions, just like an amalgam filling application. Therefore, it causes loss of time and cost.
  • Amalgam fillings do not wear out, but they can crack or even break. Because they cannot chemically bond to the tooth.
  • This filling treatment has more disadvantages than advantages. That's why this type of filling is not preferred much today.

What are the Harms of Amalgam Filling?

Although amalgam filling is effective in terms of permanence, it has become less preferred in recent years due to its harmful effects. This is because most of its content consists of the element mercury. Other substances in the filling are silver, copper and tin.

Mercury is a substance that is in liquid form at room temperature. It binds together other metals used in the filler. In this way, it creates a solid filling material. However, studies have shown that mercury, even in fillers, has harmful effects on human health. Mercury, which has a toxic effect, spreads to organs and can damage the heart, liver, lungs and kidneys, nervous system and immune system. Mercury poisoning may also be experienced due to amalgam fillings.

How to Remove Amalgam Filling

Amalgam fillings that are broken, discolored, or have secondary decay should not be left in the person's mouth and should be replaced. Various systemic disorders have been observed in people with too many amalgam fillings in their mouths, and it has been reported that these diseases disappeared by replacing the amalgam fillings. This may be due to the amount of mercury in the amalgam filling and its entry into the oral environment.

In people who are allergic to amalgam, amalgam fillings are removed no more than twice at a time. The cavity is closed with a healing paste (ZNO2). After the complaints are resolved, the cavities are filled with a non-allergenic filling material.

Before the amalgam filling is removed, the patient is given vitamin C in tablet form at the dose recommended by the dentist. Because mercury's ability to bind to vitamin C in the blood is greater than its ability to bind to body tissues.

A plastic cover should be applied to the tooth, revealing only the tooth from which the amalgam filling will be removed and used to isolate the rest of the mouth, and the tooth should be isolated from the oral tissues.

A saliva ejector is placed under the rubber cover and any liquids that may leak under the rubber cover are removed.

An alternative breathing source, such as an O2 tube, is provided for the patient.

The assistant uses a highly absorbent surgical aspirator. Thus, mercury vapor is prevented from spreading into the environment.

An ionizer is kept in the environment to isolate the mercury vapor released during amalgam filling removal.

After the amalgam filling is removed from the cavity, the rubber cover should be carefully removed.

After the amalgam filling is removed, the patient must rinse his mouth with metal-binding mouth solutions. If necessary, the dentist cleans the inside of the mouth himself with special solutions. Because the remaining small metal residues may cause heavy metal accumulation in the body and cause systemic disorders.

Dentaliva, Reliable and Experienced Dental Clinic in Oral and Dental Health

At Dentaliva, you can ask all your questions about amalgam dental fillings and amalgam filling removal from our experienced dentists. You can also contact us for your other dental problems. Don't hesitate to ask us your questions.

You can keep your oral and dental health under control with the qualified guidance of specialist dentists, and take the necessary steps for your dental health with the professional support of Dentaliva. Remember that Dentaliva is the first step to a happy smile.

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